Africa > Human skeleton
Human skeleton
Cast of a human skeleton which was found in a pit dug into coarse sand. The
body probably was buries in an extended position with the head directed to the
east, the face down, and the arms resting along its sides. The skull was found
separated and the trunk was broken into small pieces.
The skeleton might be dated to the Late Paleolithic age, 17000 years ago. Wadi
Kubbania — North West of Aswan. In richer tombs at Qustul, many Human skeletons of sacrifield horses, still covered with all their fittings, were found buried beside their master so that they might accompany him on the voyage to the Hereafter where they might continue to serve him as they have done in this world. The blue sheepskin is an exact copy of the one found. Some of the wooden and leather straps of the saddle, the leather straps of the harness, and the cords on which the bronze bells are suspended round the neck, have been restored. Underhing the saddle and the harness were two linen horse clothes, one plain and one patterned in red, blue and yellow. The silver harness was found in an excellent state of preservation which helped to reconstitute the fittings as seen on the model horses carved in reinforced plaster – 3rd – 6th cent. AD – Qustul.