Existing since 13000 years; the cave art has evaluated via the big eras; the Bubaline
period is distinguished by the representing engraved in the big rocky stones;
the principal subject of animals which are engraved in a very huge format; for
example the giraffe it is about (8 meters of high) and the Tin Taghit bovid (5
meters of tall).
After; it comes the Bovidian era (8th millennium), which represent the pastoral
life in the region via a realists and dynamics frescos. In a cabalin of the
6th millennium, the artists starts to shapes their achievements, the men has
a bi-triangular form wearing a short tops .In the Camlin the subjects are more
and more simplified, it's the period where the dromedary and the palm trees
appear and also where the figures are presented inside their habitations.
Many thousands of caving frescos are actually listed in the Algerian desert;
the most important ones are in the Tassili of Ahaggar and in the Tassili
of N'ajjer.
The most recent ones which are lasted to the XVIII century; has been ransacked
and others still exist.