There is no region in Algeria which doesn't have its own one. The Zaou'i'as
are everywhere in the territory like a shining points on a spiritual card. Favoring
the postponed zones, (the word« Zaouia» means the corner which suggest the distance;
the introversion).Many of their establisher has naturally go to the desert.
Many brotherhoods are millennium and their sheikhs comes from distant countries
like Syria, others, more modest, are from a local origins, but all, considerable
Tidjania of Ain El Mahdi ; Rahmania d'El Amel, Alaouia de Laghouat, all shares
the deep anchoring on the local society ; as well as the respect of their distinguished
character. Established near a venerated tomb of« saint», theses zaouis shares
the point to be an establishments dedicated for the education of Koran; established
around a relic and are constructed for the principles which constitutes «The
Mystic voice», protected by their leaders during its existing. Their libraries
are rich of precious manuscripts: illuminated Koran, a scientific works which
certain goes back to the XIII century. This is show the intellectual & cultural
shining they have often represented and they represent once again today under
the increase of a recent revival.