Tourism in Russia > Arkhangelsk
region > Rest in Arkhangelsk region
Rest in Arkhangelsk region
The Sanatorium in Solvychegodtk
The resort "Solvychegodsk" Is situated in the ancient town
Solvychegodsk on the right bank of the river Vychegda.
The curative qualities of natural resources were known since 1923.
The Sanatorium can be concerned to balneological resorts of all round year
functioning for children and grown-ups. There are several buildings with rooms
for 1, 2, 3, 4 patients and the rooms of high quality. Also with four times
meals and with die* meals system. There are balneo- and physio therapy procedures.
Including the most modern ones.
All medical curative system is based on sulphur-chlor natrium water and medical
There is the only in the north-west and centre of Russia sulphur-hydrogen
spring (similar to Matsesta spring). One can receive here treatment of joints,
nervous system, male and female sex organs, skin deseases and heart-vascular
After-work sanatorium «Zarya»
The preventive-clinic sanatorium "Zarya" is situated in the park
zone of town Koryazhma on the river Vychegda in 12 kilometers from Solvychegodsk.
The sanatorium gives the opportunity of treatment, improving health and relaxing
on the basis of mineral water, curative muds of local springs and modern new
therapy equipment of wide using: dry hydrogen baths, galo-cells, ultra-sound
and airiono- and magneto-lazer therapy.
The new systems of health protection are being developed to treat all organs
of sick people.
There are good conditions for living, rest, meals, having a good time. There
is the swimming pool with mineral water and sauna.