If you have chosen for your destination the most important cities of Moravia
you can be certain that you have a colourful palette of experiences awaiting
you. Each city is completely different and each one features an atmosphere uniquely
its own. The one thing these cities share in common is a pulsating life full
of unusual opportunities and attractions. Majestic palaces, mysterious lanes,
and the opulence of sacred monuments contrasting sharply with the austere beauty
of Functionalist architecture and buildings from the period of industrial development
in the 19h and 20th centuries. Such are the urban centres of Moravia - Brno,
Zlfn, Olomouc, and Ostrava. Four cities, four different adventures!
Brno is a centre of cultural,
artistic, and sporting activity with direct flight connections to London, Barcelona,
and Moscow. Thanks to important exhibition grounds the city is the destination
of visitors from around the entire world. Brno also attracts guests with its
numerous landmarks, theatres, galleries, museums, churches and monasteries,
a zoo, two botanical gardens, the Brno reservoir, and the Villa Tugendhat, a
UNESCO World Heritage site. Brno is a city of festivals and important sporting
events, including the Grand Prix Brno motorcycle race.
TOP Villa Tugendhat-UNESCO site, The most important European work by architect
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe became a milestone in the history of 20th century world
Spilberk Castle and fortress
The 13th century castle was transformed into a massive fortress in the 18lh
century and in time became the most severe prison of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Areas open to the public include, among others, underground casemates with a
torture chamber, a rack, and the cells of famous prisoners such as Baron Trenk,
Babinsky the Bandit, and others.
St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, The cathedral, the most prominent feature of the
city’s skyline, is located at the site of the original Brno castle from the
11th and 12th centuries. The cathedral’s Baroque interior, tower, and crypts
are open to the public.
Mahen Theatre
Events: The festival entitled Brno: A City in the Centre of Europe and the
Ignis Brunensis Festival offer entertainment and music below the castles of
Spilberk and Veverf, as well as international firework shows. These 14-day festivals
attract hundreds of thousands of spectators to hundreds of different events.
The most enticing event is the international firework show.