Italy > Naples
Routes of Naples is an application to be used in background mode: Once you start,
the application, in the proximity of points of interest, let us know in audio
"mode" what we're looking at: the application works exactly like a 1
audio guide allowing the user to receive information of historical and cultural
artistic character on the place they are watching.
The application suggests the preset paths or allows "free walk"
without following any kind of way, but allowing the user to immergesi in the
city, or even looking for a specific location.
The moment you choose a Location, or a Location, the application will ask
us how we want to proceed to reach the route or path from where we stand, indicating
the route to follow if we continue on foot or public transport to be taken indicating
also the possible stops where to get off if you want to use public transport.
The user may elect to receive all information or only limited information to
the choice of his interests (eg. The monuments, museums, palaces, churches,
curiosity,...) The application is designed to meet the various main languages
(Italian, English, French) we are implementing the Russian language.