Lanch menu
Set 1
- Salad with smoled fish
- «Beefstroganoff» with mashed potato
- Pancakes in Russian style with jam
- Mineral water
- Coffee or tee
- Bread and butter
Set 2
- Chicken noodle soup
- «Pozharskaya» cutlet with fried potato
- Pie in Russian style with apples and cowberry
- Mineral water
- Coffee or tee
- Bread and butter
Set 3
- Cheese and vegetables salad with mayonnaise
- Russian pelmeny with sour cream
- Ice cream with fruits
- Mineral water
- Coffee or tee
- Bread and butter
Set 4
Potato pancakes with sour cream «Rassolnik»
soup in Ural style with beef
Baked cod with tomato, served with rice
- Mineral water
- Coffee or tee
- Bread and butter
Set 5
mushrooms baked in cream
Chicken soup with vegetables and egg
Cutlets of pike with mashed potato
- Mineral water
- Coffee or tee
- Bread and butter
Set 6
- fresh vegetables salad with honey dressing
- Russian «Borsch» with chicken
- Fried pork with baked potatoes
- Mineral water
- Coffee or tee
- Bread and butter