Yew is coniferous tree. A living fossil is a relic of the tertiary period. The
trees themselves are long-lived: some specimens live to the age of 3-4 thousand
years. The only coniferous species that do not have resin and resin ducts in
the wood.
Needles, young shoots and bark contain poison toxin.
Seeds are surrounded by fleshy bright red aril, not poisonous. Wood is red-brown,
dense, hard, very resistant to rot, highly valued. The species is listed in
the Red book.
The exposed part of the yew trunk was taken out of the Dolmi tract (the Khor
river basin) by the Museum expedition in December 1966. It was a tree with a
height of 15 meters and a trunk diameter of 0,9 m and was more than 1500 years