Goryatchiy Klyutch > Sanatoriy
Goriatchiy Klyutch
Sanatoriy Goriatchiy Klyutch
Sanatoriy Goriatchiy Klyutch is one of the oldest sanatoriums of Goriatchiy
Klyutch. Its buildings are situated in a cozy resort park. The sanatorium has
its own treatment facilities: a drinking gallery, a bath section with natural
hydrosulphuric water, a department of mud therapy, a department of physiotherapy,
cabinets of hydropathy (showers), an underwater shower massage and manual massage,
dry and underwater spine traction, the cabinets for stomach and intestines cleansing,
the gyms for physical training treatment with a complex of simulators, and a
swimming pool.
«A Healthy Stomach Makes a Nice Mode» program is supposed
to treat the gastrointestinal diseases and implies the application of mineral
waters in a combination with dietary nutrition and treatment procedures with
an application natural and preformed treatment factors (acupuncture, laser,
applications of muds).
"Rehabilitation of the Patients After Burn Injuries at the Health
Resort» (patent ¹ 2266094 as of 25.03.2004) allows to improve the healing
tissue tropism; establishment of the transplanted pieces goes smoother, the
healing surface arrays become more elastic, the process of the healing tissue
curing shortens almost two times as much.
Sanatorium rehabilitation of the patients who have had a myocardium
heart attack" - the new program, allowing to have regenerative
sanatorium treatment of patients with complication of myocardium heart attack,
aneurysm. The result is to be reached by a special complex of physiotherapy
exercises, physiotherapeutic treatment and other procedures.
«Woman health is the nation health» — the program is directed
on a stage of reproductive function regenerative treatment and solves restoration
problems of female organism fertility and carrying out complex of rehabilitation
in 1-2 months since surgical treatment.
«Detox and Health Improvement" - a program, directed
on improvement of metabolism, weight loss, normalization of the gastrointestinal
tract's functioning, and detoxication. It is based on hydrotherapeutic procedures
(shower, baths, a swimming pool) combined with anti-cellulite and cosmetic massage,
and thermotherapy.
«Early Sanatorium and Spa Rehabilitation of Patients after Ischemia
Surgery» (RF Patent ¹ 2308930 of 29.09.2005) - a program aimed at heart
function restoration, and prevention of post-surgery disorders.
"Diabetes as a Mode of Life» - a program aimed at the
revelation and treatment of the metabolic syndrome (obesity, arterial hypertension,
increased carbohydrate tolerance), prevention and treatment of diabetes complications
in adults and children, working ability restoration and life quality improvement
for diabetic patients.
«Moving Without Pain» - a program for sanatorium and spa
rehabilitation of patients with joint and spine diseases, aimed at working ability
restoration after exacerbations, securing the results of hospital treatment,
prevention of relapses, reduction of the chronization risk and invalidity prevention
in patients with musculoskeletal and locomotor diseases.