Irkutsk > The Local History Museum
The Local History Museum
It is one of the oldest museums of Russia. It boasts an ethnographical gathering
of excavation items, shaman, orthodox and Buddhist religious things, Siberian
peoples'clothing, various types of weapons, mineralogical collections and herbaria,
rare XVII-th - century documents dated back to the Siberia's exploration times.
The museum reached its fullest flower and came to act as a scientific depository
and educational establishment when the Siberian department of Russian Geographical
Socety was opened in Irkutsk in 1851 and the museum became its property from
then on. Nowadays the museum gathering numbers over 300 thousand exhioits. Recognized that Irkutsk XlX century - a merchant city. It merchants were the
most significant social support group and society. They ruled the city and determined
its wealth: built churches, schools, hospitals, shelters, landscaping city.
Merchant to Irkutsk - is synonymous with progressive, educated man, patron and
benefactor. Many aspects of life became a merchant traditions everyday lifestyle
of the entire urban society, which is now represented in our museum. Traditional male occupation was hunting in Siberia. It was alleged that the
man came to live in Siberia, she certainly carried away, even if he never thought
about the occupation hunting. Adorn the wads of the cabinet gun hunting trophies
- deer antlers and a stuffed lytixon the table and in the closet animal figurines.
Visitors to the museum wid also be able to carefudy examine the exhibition
of men's accessories to complement the Cooh^of men and used them everyday life
objects for wadjng and travel personal ornaments and wat'bf’s, devices for reading,
shaving, smohing ... interest of visitors is a collection of coins XVIII-XIX
Address: Karl Marx St., 2 Tel.: 33-34-49.