Moscow > Lublino Manor
Lublino Manor
The manor estate in Lublino built in the early XIX has a rather unusual planning:
it represents a cross with a circle in the middle. According to one version,
the manor reproduces the shape of Order of Saint Anna, awarded to the owner
of the manor landlord Nikolay Alexeevich Durasov. The building naturally fitted
in the surrounding undulating landscape with a luxurious park. The manor also
had the building of a theatre, premises for actors, a boarding school, and household
services. Contemporaries recalled that sterlets, pike-perches and huge crawfish
were fished in the manor pond on the river Goled (it remains till now). Fruits
were ripening in the greenhouse consisting of 10 chambers. And the hospitable
owner willingly treated his guests to all this abundance.
In the second half of XIX Lublino was purchased by the merchant Golofteev and
arranged country houses here. In one of those country houses Dostoyevsky lived
in 1866, while working over his novel «Crime and Punishment».
Almost all historic buildings of the manor survived to the present day. Today
visitors can watch the palace of Durasov in all its excellence.