April holidays for many nations are connected with Easter, celebrated in the
Russian culture. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into
Jerusalem, where he stepped on roads covered for him with palm hunches. In Russia
symbolizing those branches willow twigs are used to honor the day. Holy Thursday
is dedicated to the Last Supper and the events leading up to Christ's crucifixion.
Easter is “the Feast of feasts". The tradition states the importance
of visiting a temple and solemn ceremonies, coloring eggs. This attribute was
used as a gift or even a game element. These days due to a lot of folk traditions,
dating back to pre-Christian rituals, including lots of other rituals.
Komi-Permiaks believed in magical power of festive items: lashing the cattle
with willow twigs protected from troubles$ shells of Easter eggs, bread and
salt on the Great Thursday become healing. During that days Mari people prayed
to the pagan gods and made evil spirits our of the villages. Bashkirs and Tatars
had the period for future telling, interesting especially for girls, who wanted
to know about their marriages. The tradition of painting eggs red was popular
for May Festivals.
The full text of the article about Easter holidays read in the journal Welcome
to Perm on visitperm.ru