Tourism in Russia > Republic
Republic Karelia
Karelia is often called «the lungs of Europe». More than a half of its territory
is occupied by forests, and its quarter is occupied by lakes and rivers. The
national park «Vodlozersky» - the largest in Europe - is popular among ecotourists
and lovers of water tourism, hiking, research and cognitive and adventure tourism.
In «the lake region» as Karelia is often called the majority of rivers form
the fluviolacustrine system. Okhta is a group of 15 lakes connected with each
other by short cataracted channels. The plain waterfall Kivack 10 m in height
which is the largest in Europe is located in the south of Karelia.
Marcial waters
The first and the biggest balneological mud cure resort in Russia opened by
Peter I has been standing and prospering for more than 300 years. Marcial waters
- one of the most amazing places over Karelia, is situated next to Petrozavodsk-city.
Natural wealth of the resort are really exhaustless, Gabozero’s sink lake
generously shows its beauty to people.