Tourism in Russia
> Tatarstan > Raifsky
Bogoroditsky Men's Monastery
Raifsky Bogoroditsky Men's Monastery
Raifsky Bogoroditsky Men's Monastery located 30 km from Kazan on the shores
of a beautiful lake, deep in the forest, in one of the divisions of the Volga-Kama
State Nature Preserve, the Raifsky Bogoroditsky Men's Monastery with its white
stone walls is one of the gems of seventeenth-century Russian architecture.
The primary holy of the monastery is the Georgian Mother of God icon, to this
day renowned for working miracles and granting healing to the sick. Today the
Raifsky Monastery is one of the most frequented in the world. Regarding the
complex's architecture, it's worth mentioning that it is the only monastery
in Tatarstan executed in the Baroque style. The Raifsky division of the Volga-Kama
Nature Preserve shows elements of southern taiga, mixed and broad-leaf forests.
The arboretum contains specimens of more than 400 species of exotic plants from
North America, Asia, and Europe.