Tatarstan > History of Turks Tatars
History of Turks Tatars
The origins of the Turks Tatars governance should be nomadic culture of the
steppe bells of horses of Eurasia. It was bounded with Siberian forests to the
North, deserts and semi deserts to the South, it’s touched the border of China
to the East, to the West it came to the territory of Southern-East Europe. During
partially assimilated with numerous tribes (Indo-European tribes in Central
Asia, Finno-Ugric – in the Volga region, the Ural and Western Siberia).
They created various ethnopolitical associations, us quite motley ethnic map
of Eurasia. Thus the Turkic historical community appeared and peculiar for the
public entities of Turco-Tatars were formed.
Modern historical science referred public formations of nomads to the nomadic
empires. It was a complex society, based on military principles, which occupied
large space and received the rosemary resources, usually through external operation.
In the middle of V century the consolidation of the Turkic tribes began in
East Turkestan. As a result, new nation appeared in the historical stage. They
were known under the name of Turks, who became the founder of a new immense
power called the Great Turkic Khaganate. In the middle of VI-th century the
state united all the tribes and peoples inhabiting the steppes of the Eurasian
continent - from the Yellow Sea to the Black sea and from the Amu-Darya river
to the headwaters of the Ishim river. As a result of strife and external pressure,
the state was divided into Western and Eastern khanates in the first half of
the VII-lth century. It lasted until the middle of the VIlth century, Traditions
of political and administrative organization, laid by Huns, were considerably
developed by Turks, The formation of statehood on the territory of Central Asia,
southern Siberia and the Volga region may be connected with it. The greatest
achievement of that era was the creation of the Turkic runic writing (not later
than the end of VIIth century), which spread from the territory of Mongolia,
Altai, Upper Yenisei to Don region and the North Caucasus. Widely known runic
manuscripts of Turks originated in VI-VII centuries in the valley of the Orkhon
river. This significant site was the first that presented the view of nomads
on their history. Orkhon inscriptions mentioned the Union of the Tatar tribes «thirty Tatars»,
in later sources it was called «nine Tatars». Subsequently, there
were several Tatar steppe state in the mountain-steppe zone of Mongolia and
Northern China («Tartar steppe») in the IX-XIIth centuries. They were
hostile to each other and held the local Turkic tribes in submission, Later,
these Turkic tribes were conquered by the Mongols and become part of the Mongol
Empire. As a result of the Western Turkic Khaganate weakening, so some new state
appeared on its territory. The Khazar Khaganate was one of them (630-X c) located
in the Caspian lowland and Fore-Ciscaucasus. Its rulers considered themselves
as direct descendants of the Turkic khagans of the family of Ashin. The Khazar
Khaganate was significantly weakened during the Arab-Khazar wars in VIIIth century.
It ceased existence after the appearance of Pechenegs – new tribal unions in
the steppes of the Volga in the Xth century. Another cause was the defeat by
Prince Svyatoslav of Kiev in 965. Another state - the Great Bulgaria (635- 650-s) - was formed when the Turks
lost the control under its Western territories. This state occupied the territory
of the Black sea and Azov steppes, the Taman Peninsula and the Kuban area. The
Union of tribes, including the Bulgarians, appeared on the territory of Eastern
Europe during the Great migration, when the Huns westwarding forced many nomads
to leave their lands and move to new territory, They were conquered by the Turks
and became part of the Turkic Khaganate, In about 635 Kubrat, who was the chief
of the tribe of Bulgarians-Uinogundurs, received the support of Byzantine Empire.
He founded the state of the Great Bulgaria. However, after the death of Kubrat
the state collapsed, and its territory was occupied by the Khazars, Nevertheless,
the Bulgarians did not disappear from the historical arena. The part of the
Bulgarians settled in the Damube region, where in 681 the Danube Bulgaria was
founded, Moreover, after the disintegration of great Bulgaria, there began gradual
migration of Bulgarians to the territory of the Volga-Kama region. Subsequently,
there was formed the state of the Valga Bulgaria.