Cultural tourism in Russia > Yaroslavl
region > Romanov sheep
Romanov sheep
Romanov sheep — the golden fleece of Russia.
Every year an inter-regional festival dedicated to Romanov sheep is held in
our town. Two centuries ago the local selectionists bred a new type of sheep.
The sheepskins of Romanov sheep are considered to be the best in the world.
Garments made of sheepskin and fleece are indispensable in cold Russian winter:
fur-coats, short fur-coats, mittens, and warm valenki. Fur business was especially
popular at the beginning of XIX century. High quality of Romanov fur-coats was
highly appreciated all over Russia.
Last century the local sheepmen took part in All-Russian Exhibition, not once
they were awarded medals and prizes. In 2004 Romanov sheep was awarded a gold
medal at the exhibition in Moscow.
At the festival "Romanov sheep is the golden fleece of Russia" the
organizers of the exhibition present the best species dressed in panamas, coloured
boots, decorated with costume jewellery and bright silk ribbons.
A trade-fair with songs, dances, fun, and mini-performances is arranged during
the festival. In the town square you will see a fashion-show of fur-coats, a
competition of shearers, and, finally, selection of the best sheep.
The most spectacular activitity of the festival is Kustodiev outdoor fete.
On the boulevard, where B.M.Kustodiev, a famous Russian artist, used to paint,
a brass band is playing music, a tea-room with samovars is functioning, and
an open-air restaurant "Chaika" ("Seagull") is open for
noblemen. At this moment the history of Romanov-Borisoglebsk goes back to its
previous pages: photographers, painters, fussy traders. Ladies and young ladies
with fans and parasols are walking along the boulevard, and gypsies are singing
old songs.