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Pskov Region
Pushkin Hills
Tours to Pskov

Pskov region > Sights

Sights of Pskov region


Izborsk is an old town located between Pskov and Pechory. Not far from Izborsk's ancient fortress stands a stone cross. According to the legend, the cross marks the gravesite of Truvor, one of the Viking princes who was invited by the Russians to come and govern the Slavic tribes back in the 9th century. Izborsk State Museum-Preserve of History, Architecture, Nature and Landscape, 39, Pechorskaya st., Izborsk village. The valley ensemble has kept the planning and town-building framework which is more than one thousand years old, traditional peasant settlements and merchant estates, religious buildings and fortifications.

Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery

The Holy Dormiiion Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery, about 70 km from Pskov, is known for its incredible ancient monastic cells that are really caves carved into the mountain, The large cave has 6 "streets" totaling about 200 m (656 feet) In length. More than 300 monks and noblemen are burled here.


The ancient city of Pskov a remarkable place of history. It had been Russia's western border defense outpost for many centuries, it was also a prominent cultural center of Old Russia: Pskov Is the site of Russia's first Christian church; Russian language writing, icon painting, and stone architecture developed and flourished here. The city takes great pride in it’s surviving old Kremlin and many beautiful churches.


The estate name – Petrovskoe – opens up a very rich historical layer. Near the village Kuchane, which is mentioned in the cadastres of the 16s century as Kuchanskaya, a new patrimony of Pushkin’s ancestors revived. In 1742 Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna presented it to Pushkin’s great-grandfather Abram Petrovich Hannibal, “The Blackamoor of Peter the Great” (1696?-1781). After his death Petrovskoe passed to his middle son, Pyotr – Pushkin’s cousin twice removed, who lived there 40 years.

Pushkin Hills

Pushkin Hills is a literary museum-reserve in the Pskov region, The museum dedicated to the legacy of Russia's greatest ??et Alexander Pushkin, and thematically connects the three main places associated with Pushkin's life. The reserve include the Pushkin Family estate in the village of Mikhailovskoye, the villages of Trigorskoye, Petrovskoe, and the Sviatogorsky Monastery, where Pushkin was buried in1837.

Pskovo-Petchorskiy Monastery

Having entered the Sacred Gates of the Pskovo-Petchorskiy Monastery visitors feel like returning several centuries back. Divine services in the monastery did not stop for its whole life along, already more than 530 years. Assumption Cathedral was consecrate in 1473 and then it provided a basis for the Monastery. It is rather small and placed in a natural cave having only a front wall. In special cases it is used as an iconostasis and the divine service takes place outside the cathedral. Each guest is deeply impressed with the whole appearance of the place. The Monastery is situated at the bottom of the deep ravine and the visitors can admire wonderful top-down view. Being placed on the bottom of the huge bowl, the monastery is shown entirely and looks really marvelously. Sparkling golden domes of the churches «growing» from under the ground, white-washed and brightly painted buildings create a picturesque elegant view.

"Kobylye Gorodishe" - the place where the famous Ice Battle took place in 1242,Gdovsky district

"Kobylye Gorodishe" is situated to the south from Gdov, not far from the place where the famous Ice Battle of 1242 took place. A monument to Alexander Nevsky was founded in order to commemorate the 750 anniversary of the Battle on the Ice.

The Chain Bridges over the Velikaya River, 1853

The bridges were ordered by Nicholas I who personally present at the grand bridge opening in 1853.This is the earliest Russian monument of engineer art of such a construction.

The State "Polistovskiy" Nature Preserve,Bezhanitsky district

The reserve occupies the biggest in Europe Polistovo-Lovatskaya marsh system which is more than 10 thousand years old. The populations of rare species of animals and plants.some ofthem endangered, inhabit the reserve's territory.

The ostrich farm, Pushkjnogorsfcy district

The pheasants, hens and ostriches of different species are bred at this farm. Besides birds, rabbits, roes, raccoons and raccoon dogs, a fox, a wolf and a bear found their home in this hospitable farm.

The bird yard, Pogorelki village, Pskov district

The bird yard is situated in Pogorelka village behind Vauliny Hills.The ostriches, hens, ducks, peacocks, swans, storks, gobblers and owls are bred here. Rabbits, squirrels and other animals are on display for the bird yardguests.

Sebezh National Park

650 rare species of plants, most of them endangered, and 2000 species of birds can be easily found at the park's territory.

The Ancient settlement Kamno.Healing springs, Pskov district

The ancient settlement Kamno is situated at the source of the Kamenka River. The church of St. George the Winner dated by the XV century stands here. The chapel-tomb of St. Nicolas the Miracle-Worker is situated to its right. The neighborhood round the churchyard is rich in healing springs.

Vibuty Churchyard - the birthplace of Saint equal to the apostles Princess Olga The churchyard is situated in 12 km from Pskov. The church of llya the Prophet which is dated by the XV century takes the left bank of the river. The remnants of a big stone with a foot mark which people cairoiga's stone" are situated in a km from the church.

Margarita Yamshchikova's Estate Museum, Log village, Plyussky district

This is the only wooden mansion of Pushkin's times that has preserved the household items and genuine pieces of applied Arts, which create the atmosphere of a bygone life of the Russian provincial estate.

Rimsky-Korsakov's Estate Museum, Vechasha and Lu bensk villages,Plyussky district

Pskov Museum-Reserve of History, Architecture and Arts, 7, Nekrasova st., Pskov

The museum has been opened since 1876. It comprises the head museum and five branches located in different parts of the region.

Travelers interested in ethnography will be pleased having visited the Seto Ethnical Estate museum, Sigovo village, Pechorsky district

This is the only Russian museum of small Finno-Ugric people Seto where the collection of clothes, utensils and household items is presented. Seto is an unusual nationality seven hundred in number. Being descendants of Estonians they moved to Russia and accepted orthodoxy. Despite of the small number, Setos did not assimilate and kept their original culture and traditions.

The Peasant's household museum “Olga’s farm", Bereznyuk village, Pechorsky district The museum has a refectory for 50 people, a sauna, as well as equipped barbeque place rich in herbs,wild berries and mushrooms.

The Peasant's household museum “Honey farm”, Dubrovka village, Pechorsky district

You can enjoy home-made beverages prepared according to the old Slavic recipes and taste the famous mead, honey sbiten and berry liquors and visit a large exhibition of peasant's life objects and a collection of bees' houses.

Prince Gagarin’s Estate, Kholomki village, Porkhovsky district

Nowadays there is a holiday camp. “Kholomkovskie” local history readings initiated by the University are held in the manor everyyear.

Volyshovo Estate, Volyshovo village, Porkhovsky district

The mansion, the church of Our Savior, two small annex-houses, the stables and the horse yard are located there.The mansion was surrounded with magnificent.

Pskov - is a land of 1000 lakes». One of them, well-known lake Chudskoye, takes the third place in Europe in area extent.

Local forests teem with mushrooms and berries, the rivers and the lakes are rich in fish. So those friends of nature who are fond or fishing will be satisfied with their journey here.

Plenty of entertainments are offered here in winter: sledge driving, skiing, skating, snowmobiles and ice-fishing. Evening is the best time to have some rest in sauna or to take Russian steam bath («banya»).

Those who are fond of adventure tourism have a chance to participate in extreme festivals of high-gliding, windsurfing, paintball, paddling or yachting.

The museum «Honey Village» (Medovy Khutorok) in Pechorskiy district shows rural life in details. There tourists can taste wild honey, birch sap, herbal tea and traditional Russian drinks - medovukha (made of honey) and sbiten’ (hot drink made of honey, water and spice herbs).

Pskov and its suburbs have highly developed infrastructure convenient for combining some interesting excursions, walks over the city and business activities.

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